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My Writing Process

Evan Tweedy

This is another original poem, the image was also made on

Considering that my website is about writing, I figured that this is a topic I should probably cover. So the question is, how do I start writing? The answer is pretty simple:

I kind of just do it.

I'm sure that is of absolutely no help to anybody, but that is the honest to God truth. Sometimes I want to write something, and sometimes I even have an idea, but if I don't absolutely feel it in my bones that this concept has to be put down right away, then chances are it will just be pushed back to a later date (or when my bones start rattling again). I do truly apologize if you were looking for a better answer than that, but if there is anything I can actually get across as actually writing advice it is this: don't try and force it, let all of your work come naturally. Sometimes you might tell yourself that you need to rush and get more work out within a certain period of time, but when you really think about it, life's too short to be worrying about your work when you could be putting that energy towards other, more invigorating things.

I realized recently when I was talking to some of my friends about writing, (specifically creative writing) that people will really surprise you.

They will tell you that they’re terrible, awful, atrocious, garbage, disgusting writers, but then show you some of their work and it’s full of passion, style, and genuine intricacy. This experience showed me that while writing comes more naturally to some than it does others, with enough passion and care, really anybody can make a good piece of art, or at the very least understand the medium and format enough to create something of substance.

So basically, once you feel it, write it out. Don’t be afraid. I learned a long time ago in my high school English class that a lot of authors during the Romantic period of literature believed in this notion of purity of thought, so they would just write the first things that came to mind to try and capture a thought at its peak, fearlessly putting pen to paper regardless of how it felt. While it’s impossible to know just how true it is, I think there is value to this sentiment, and I think if more people were to practice writing like this they would see that deep down they have the passion to create too. Don’t stress too much, don’t worry about what other people think, just feel it out and write it down.

Alright that's it, thanks for reading, if you need anybody to look at some of your work my contact info is on my homepage!

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